The fresh start energizes you — there’s so much to explore, so many new adventures to have. But there’s one massive problem. That new job you moved for? You hate it. Like really, really hate it. The work is dull and unfulfilling, your boss is a nightmare and your coworkers aren’t exactly welcoming you with open arms.
There are times when you find yourself torn between loving your new lifestyle and loathing having to drag yourself into that office every single day. How can you make the best of this bittersweet situation? How do you find fulfillment outside the 9 to 5 so you can enjoy your new city?
Fear not, we’ve got solutions to help you through this transitional period.
Do you dread going into work each day because the work itself bores or frustrates you? If so, the job probably isn’t aligned with your key interests or values. Think about positions that ignite your passion or curiosity. What excites or motivates you? Search for jobs that tap into those interests.
Let’s take a closer look at some career pitfalls and explore solutions.
Maybe it’s not the work itself but rather the surroundings. Are your coworkers catty or unsupportive? Is your boss unreasonable or micromanaging? A negative environment can seriously affect your happiness and productivity. If the situation seems unfixable, look for a new opportunity with a healthier company culture.
Feeling stuck with no chance of career progression? That’s demotivating. See if there are any opportunities for advancement in your current role or start looking for jobs with clear paths for growth. Continuously improving your skills through online courses or workshops can also open up more career options.
Let’s take a closer look at some other potential pitfalls and explore solutions.
If you’re underpaid, overworked and lacking good benefits, it’s not surprising you’re unhappy. Do some research on typical salary and compensation for your position. If you’re below the norm, schedule a meeting with your manager to make a case for why you deserve a raise. If that’s not in the budget, start hunting for a new job that properly values your worth.
On the one hand, having a steady paycheck in a new place provides financial security. But on the other hand, dreading work each day can really sap your energy and enthusiasm for exploring your new surroundings. Make a list of what you like and don’t like about the job to decide if the good outweighs the bad or vice versa. If the cons are mostly minor annoyances, sticking it out a while longer may be worthwhile. But if serious downsides exist like long hours, difficult work conditions or limited opportunities for growth, it may be time to start looking elsewhere.
Just because you have a job doesn’t mean you have to stop looking for new prospects. Update your resume, set up job alerts, and check listings regularly for positions better suited to your skills and interests. You never know when the perfect opportunity may arise, and finding work you enjoy can make a world of difference in how much you appreciate your new location. Networking and making industry connections in your new city may also lead to new leads.
With an open and proactive mindset, you’ll find the right solution — but don’t get discouraged if things don’t happen overnight. Sometimes a little patience and persistence can go a long way in turning a place you love into a place you love living and working in. The key is balancing your need for security with your desire for fulfillment. With time and conscious effort, you’ll get there!
Making the most of a less-than-ideal work situation can be challenging. Here are a few strategies to help make your current job more bearable until you find something better.
While the job itself may not be your dream role, there are probably certain parts of it you don’t mind or even like. Focus your energy and attention on those tasks. For example, if you enjoy interacting with clients or mentoring teammates, look for opportunities to do more of that.
Don’t feel obligated to go above and beyond in a job you dislike. Do your assigned work during regular hours and then leave on time. Avoid checking email once you’re off work and don’t volunteer for extra projects. Setting clear boundaries will prevent burnout and make the job more sustainable.
Give yourself things to look forward to during the workday and week. Go for walks during your breaks, enjoy a nice lunch away from your desk or plan short weekend getaways. Having small respites will make the time pass more quickly and keep you motivated.
Knowing you have an exit plan in place will make your current situation much more tolerable. Update your resume, re-connect with your professional network and apply to new openings that interest you. Even if the search takes a while, taking active steps will boost your confidence and morale.
While waiting for the right new opportunity, stay positive and patient. Focus on the non-work parts of your life that you do enjoy, keep looking ahead to the future, and take good care of yourself. The perfect job for you is out there, so keep searching – your patience and perseverance will pay off!
Now that you’ve settled into your new town, it’s time to find a job that makes you excited to go into work each day. Here are some tips to land your ideal role in your dream location:
Update your resume to highlight any new skills or experience you’ve gained since moving. Focus on quantifiable achievements and tailor your resume for each position.
Then, spend time each day scouring major job sites like Indeed, Monster and Glassdoor for new listings in your area of expertise. Don’t forget about the websites of companies you’re particularly interested in — oftentimes they list jobs there first before posting to the major sites. Apply to anything that seems like a good match for your skills and experience. The wider you cast your net, the more likely you are to catch an ideal new role.
Reach out to former colleagues, managers, mentors and friends and let them know you’re looking for work. Even if they don’t know of any current openings, they may be able to provide introductions or keep you in mind for future opportunities. Don’t be afraid to ask for informational interviews to start building connections in your new area.
Scope out businesses in your industry and see if they’re hiring. Many companies list open positions on their website. You may, for example, find some at smaller companies that aren’t advertised on major job sites. Find a few places you’re interested in and try to find contacts on LinkedIn. Send a message expressing your interest in the company and ask if they have any advice for getting your foot in the door.
Search online for local networking events, talks or conferences related to your field. These are a chance to make valuable connections, learn about new developments in your industry and find job leads. Strike up conversations, ask thoughtful questions and follow up by connecting on LinkedIn. Let people know you’re looking for new opportunities — you never know what may come of these interactions.
Finding the right job in a new city can take time. Stay positive by focusing on the new experiences and connections you’re gaining along the way. The perfect position for you is out there — you just have to be patient and persistent. Keep putting in the effort and your ideal job in your dream location will come along.
If finding a permanent new job is taking longer than you’d like, consider temporary or contract work in the interim. This can provide income and allow you to gain more experience, fill in employment gaps on your resume and continue to network for a permanent role. The key is staying in a job long enough so as not to be viewed as a “job hopper” by prospective employers.
The most important thing is not staying in a job you despise for too long. While moving to a new place but hating your job is far from an ideal situation. There are several steps you can take to remedy it and find fulfilling work. With time and persistence, you’ll land in a role and company culture that you genuinely enjoy. In the meantime, remember that happiness comes from within, not from your job alone.